giovedì 2 aprile 2009

"La banchetta della sarta perfetta"!/ "The bench of the perfect seamstress"

Mi verrebbe da ridere se volessi cominciare il post con un'esclamazione tipo "Donne, è arrivato l'arrotino!" (frase che si sente spesso per le strade da queste parti), però vorrei proprio invitare tutte coloro che hanno la passione per il cucito, per la maglieria e per i lavoretti fatti con la stoffa, ad accorrere sabato 4 aprile 2009 in piazza Cavour a Rimini!!!

Manitese organizzerà per tutte voi un bellissimo mercatino con scampoli di stoffa nuovi, bottoni, passamanerie, fili e riviste specializzate, tutto a partire da 50 centesimi al pezzo!
Il ricavato sarà a sostegno dei progetti dell'associazione, quindi non manchiamo!

Io raggiungerò il posto in tarda mattinata, tanto per curiosare. Non è che sia molto brava nel cucito, però a breve vi mostrerò qualcosa che ho potuto fare con ago e filo, scampoli di tendaggi e molta molta fantasia! A prestissimo! ;)

I would laugh starting the post with a famous exclamation such as "Women, the grinder is coming!" (that phrase you can often hear in the streets around here), but I would like to invite all those who have a passion for sewing, for knitting and the handcrafted works done with cloths, to rush on Saturday 4 April 2009 in Cavour Square in Rimini!

Manitese is organizing for you all a wonderful marketplace with remnants of cloths new buttons, trimmings, wires and magazines, all starting from 50 cents per piece!
The proceeds will be to support projects of the association, so don't miss!

I'll reach the place in the late morning, just to browse. I'm not very good at sewing, but soon I will show you something that I could do with a needle and thread, remnants of curtains and a lot a lot of imagination! See you soon! ;)

7 commenti:

  1. Oh, mi piacerebbe da morire! Ho una passione per queste cose. Mannaggia, ho troppo da quel giorno, un compleanno da organizzare.
    Poi ci fai vedere il tuo bottino?

  2. Ooh, this seems great!!

    Is this all remnants/recycled clothes? :)

    Wish something like this would be organized here too!! :)

  3. Do you mean the grinder for garbage, that 'eats up' the mixed garbage from bins?

  4. @ Ciao Eniko! (perdonami ma non riesco a scrivere il tuo nome come si dovrebbe! :))
    Quanto sarebbe bello potersi vedere in queste occasioni, ma è chiaro che la distanza e gli impegni a volte non ci aiutano! Tuttavia sta certa che se troverò cose interessanti, all'ora in cui sarò lì, poi le mostrerò certamente qui agli abitanti del Dandaworld! :D

    @ Hi Layla! Glad to see you here again! I didn't hear from you for a little time and I started to worry! He he!
    We will see what the association will put on the bench... They said that the remnants were from new pieces of fabric. Perhaps they will come from unselled materials from local shops... or at least unused ones! I'm curious to see it too!

    And try to contact charity shops or volunteer associations where you are, perhaps they could be interested in organizing a similar initiative.

    As regards the grinder LOL... he's not what you think, but a famous wandering seller that goes from town to town in all Italy with a car and a megaphone shouting that phrase and offering his service for grinding the cutlery, repairing umbrellas and adjusting cooking machines... it's very funny, I assure! :)

  5. oh lol, the grinder is a good thing then!! :)
    don't think we have anyone to repair our umbrellas but dad (& he's not very good at it!!)

    Mom & I have talked to a charity about '2nd hand clothes' - maybe these 2 could be done in combination? or as 2 different events?
    Do tell about your experience there!
    still not sure how to promote this locally! :)

    no worries, I was still with 'zero waste' in the spirit, & researching things, but a bit worried about our 'big garbage collection' (I blog about it too..) & my 'zero waste week' in April, lol!

    Also was at a lecture about chemicals in our environment last week, it was pretty good..

  6. con la pioggia di stamattina, proprio non sarei comunque andata... sai se la cosa si ripeterà?
    ciao, Danda, a presto :)

  7. @ Hi Layla, after these sad days I return to reply to comments. Sorry if I couldn't do it before, but the tragedy of earthquake has involved us too, even if not in a direct way.

    Yes, the grinder could be a great zero waste support! Umbrellas are often not recyclable! If there is the occasion I'll ask to him how does it cost to repair an umbrella, I'm curious to know! Once I tried to repair one but it's a very difficult work and in a way a bit dangerous! So you must be glad for your father's intentions! :)

    I think you could organize the two charity events together or in separate times, it depends how much is the amount of material.

    I hope to return soon to post about last saturday! I've collected a lot of things to tell, so have a little patience, and surely I'll come back! ;)

    @ Ciao Cristella, sono sicura che l'evento si ripeterà, poiché per la pioggia non è stato un gran successo.

    Però le cose che erano sul banco erano veramente interessanti e di ottima scelta! Credo che almeno la passamaneria e altri accessori saranno a breve esposti nello stesso negozietto dell'usato, di ManiTese.

    Quando ci sarà il prossimo mercatino non mancherò di postare l'annuncio! Anzi per questo devo ringraziare l'amica Stella che mi tiene sempre informata. A presto, comunque, con un bel post sui miei acquisti! ;)


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